SIS is one of the pioneers of the high school project "Praxisberater". However, great importance is also attached to practical career orientation at our high schools. In close cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency and the DAA training center (located in Borna), our students are prepared for their future careers.
The Subject Practical Education (PU) is an additional offer at our schools and part of the mandatory timetable. The lessons take place in teaching cabinets, which have a pool of tools and machines, computer technology and high-quality working materials.
In addition, a compulsory elective subject for career orientation is offered in the upper school of the general education Gymnasium. In "Ways into professional life", topics specific to studies, applications and everyday life are addressed. In workshops and presentations by external providers, as well as in advertising visits to various study and career fairs, students are introduced to the world of work and given an overview of their individual ideas and skills.
Each 5th and 6th grade student visits a company for about four hours on three days with a special research assignment provided by the school. As a result, a presentation and a wall newspaper are to be created for the company. In addition, the students present their practical experience in class and at the parents' evening.
The practice-oriented lessons in these classes provide the first fundamental insights into practical work procedures, development and production processes, and the economic contexts of various occupational groups.
In these grades, vocational orientation block weeks are completed in class at the DAA. This training center, located in Borna, is a proven cooperation partner for practical orientation in various occupational fields such as nursing, gastronomy and technology. The results and experiences are evaluated and discussed in the class and school network. Counseling sessions, excursions, visits to the BIZ and education fairs complement this spectrum. Another cooperation partner to be mentioned is the AOK, through whose support our classes 7 to 10 can work with the career choice passport, which is filled with life through events led by our career counselor Mrs. Denis.
The students are also encouraged to attend the "Week of Open Companies" as well as "Girls Day/Boys Day" events and to complete vacation internships. The idea behind this is that every opportunity to get to know professions and companies promotes the decision-making process on one's own career choice.
In the 9th through 12th grades, the program includes 14-day specialized internships geared to the students' aptitudes and interests. In the vocational high school, a three-week internship is also offered, which specifically requires a result in the business sector. In the course level of the general education Gymnasium, it is possible to take the elective subject "Pathways to Professional Life", which offers the above-mentioned focal points with regard to career orientation.
Job application training, assessment centers and company presentations as well as thematic parents' evenings and SIS or external education fairs supplement the career and study orientation offerings. And of course, our students from the 9th grade onwards also visit various universities and colleges and the open days there.
The Reinsdorf and TRIAS Elsterberg high schools have already been awarded the Saxon Seal of Quality for Career Orientation for the high quality of their career orientation. The other schools work according to the same concept, which means that a uniform quality can be expected.
As an exemplary concept for career and study guidance, that of the IGM can be viewed in the Download area can be viewed.
In the practice-oriented lessons (PU) as well as in connection with TC/computer science, we teach the students versatile basic skills and abilities, e.g.
In the secondary level II of the Wirtschaftsgymnasium, our students are given the task of dealing with their first entrepreneurial tasks as a student company. In cooperation with the secondary level II of the Gymnasium, the students prepare parties and events, arrange the catering and generate their own capital through additional small events such as cake bazaars.
With the help of this company, the future graduates learn important skills regarding calculation, planning and financing of their own company with a focus on business administration. In addition, they can use the profits to help finance their graduation ball and enrich school life with their events. They need to develop confidence in accounting and cash management, since after an operating period of about one year, the company is handed over to the next "generation". In an official act, which is usually linked to the open day, the key of the student company is handed over to the next course level in the presence of the sponsoring association, the school management, the teacher assigned to the student company as well as our managing director Mr. School.
Here you will find information on Youth Employment Protection as well as a list frequently asked questions on the topic of internships.
Ms. Nadine Denis
Career counselor
Phone +49 800 4555500 (toll-free hotline in Germany)
Sarah A. Penzholz
Friedrich-Fröbel-Straße 1
04643 Geithain
Phone +49 34341 46012
Individual appointments are possible on request.
From now on, the Leipzig Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) will be operating a telephone hotline every Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. to advise young people about training opportunities in the Leipzig region. The opportunity to obtain basic information about apprenticeship occupations or about "dual training" and, if applicable, to identify interests is also offered.
By calling 0341 1267-1224, the IHK training experts answer all questions about training and provide quick and uncomplicated support in the search for an apprenticeship. Addressed are pupils, parents or grandparents, but also students who want to reorient themselves with an apprenticeship.
Offers for "Look inside! - The Week of Open Companies Saxony" as well as for training, student internships, vacation jobs, volunteer services.
To the Vocational orientation offers in the region
Free eBook with useful information on the subject of application discs for school leavers enables enrolled students and graduates to write testimonials about their studies and share these experiences with prospective students. These experience reports serve many students as a valuable orientation aid for the question that is so central to them: "What comes after high school? The portal can be used free of charge and without registration.
The portal has already been online since 2013 and is operated by the Interessengemeinschaft zur Förderung der deutschen Hochschullandschaft:
College Contact GmbH is a placement agency and advisory service for studying abroad. It is the official German representative of around 240 universities worldwide, on whose behalf it advises students free of charge on the possibilities of studying abroad. In addition, College Contact provides assistance with applications to study at its partner universities: Guide to studying abroad
With the "Good Mood" scholarship, high school graduates who radiate joie de vivre can spend a semester in South Africa, including flights, accommodation and fees.
The Signpost Scholarship supports students with the courage to change direction in search of the right path with a full scholarship for a 4-week language course in San Diego, USA.
Another 2,300 scholarships for everyone:
Europe's largest car and motor community provides information on about various job profiles related to the automobile.
Job vacancies in the automotive industry (from automotive clerk to mechatronics technician) can be found at:
The article "Economics and Management - Career opportunities after graduation" of the distance learning university IUBH shows the spectrum of the fields of study economics and management: Read article
Phone: +49 34341 460-0
Fax: +49 34341 460-13
International Business High School Geithain
Friedrich-Fröbel-Straße 1
04643 Geithain